Don’t waste another minute on tracks you never finish:

Get the Music Machine to
Finish a Track You’re Proud Of
Every Single Week Without Getting

Stuck in the Loop

Overwhelmed By Options

Bored of the Song

Darrius Willrich

"You can tell Mike has traversed all the pitfalls that arise for music makers. The solutions make so much sense and are so simple you almost wonder how you never thought of it."

How we can help you

Claude VonStroke

"It's a different way of getting there and it's more creative because you're trying out way more ideas."

How we can help you

Daisy Bowman

"I've only just started out on this journey with Mike but I have complete confidence in what they offer having looked into the creative process over the last years, there is nothing like this that I've found."

How we can help you
Drip Test
Get the Music Machine →

The Music Machine is the complete production system to consistently complete top quality singles, EPs and albums in a fraction of the time

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Sean Naughton

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How we can help you

Claude Von Stroke

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How we can help you

Jana Ermert

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How we can help you

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How we can help you

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How we can help you
Here’s what you’ll get inside:

Your Music Machine template includes step-by-step instructions and checklists at every stage. This is so you'll quickly get to grips with the system...

Your own private Music Machine "board" so you can visually track the progress of all your songs, decide what to improve, and never lose track of your progress...

Listen to your music in an iOS, Android, Mac or Windows app. When you get inspired anywhere, simply note your ideas to move your music forward...

Each stage of the Music Machine has a clear focus and purpose. You'll know exactly what you're supposed to be doing and when (and not waste time doing stuff you'll delete later)...

Examples of music "games" so you clearly understand each of the stages of the Music Machine by actually making music...

Gain free access to an "Ignite Your Music Machine" mini-course and podcast. With this extra help, you can be sure the system produces the results other musicians are getting...

Join 1000s of Musicians and Producers Using The Music Machine To Finish Better Music Today

Jamie Bull

"For years I suffered with procrastination, perfectionism and a feeling that I didn't know 'enough' about music creation. Having never finished a track before, I now have 5 tracks done, several in the pipeline and the tools to create and finish more. Without this Machine I would still be stuck."

How we can help you

Cynthia Lou

"Make Music Your Life does not disappoint! Keeps me in my highest creative vibe and flow, that magical place where the best ideas come from, while grounding me in the practical, detailed, daily activity that moves me to releasing music."

How we can help you

Kenichi Sakuda

"I now finish 10 quality tracks a month where as previously it would take me a year to achieve a similar output I was happy with."

How we can help you

Felix X (Tigersonic)

"Commissioned to make a track for label. I submitted 10 tracks but it turned out they wanted 20. Thanks to the Music Machine I had a load of nearly ready stuff in my “done” folder and banged out some more. (They are probably the best tunes.)"

How we can help you

Giles Butler

"The best educational resource available for getting better as a music producer and an overall artist! Mike's passion for music and helping others shines through and his knowledge around habit formation, the brain and how to make more music is formidable!"

How we can help you

Jason Peters

"I was worried I wouldn't have enough time for music as I was working 2 jobs but I learned how to manage my time and be more productive than ever. 4 months since the class started, I've finished 17 tracks that I'm ready to release. Even when life is happening I keep the habits I learned and music gets finished."

How we can help you

Sean Naughton

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How we can help you

Claude Von Stroke

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How we can help you

Jana Ermert

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How we can help you

Full Name

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How we can help you

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How we can help you

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How we can help you