How to Find FLOW (5 Lessons from 5 Decades Making Music Pt. 1)

One of the first experiences I remember as a little kid I now realise was FLOW...

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How to Make a Satisfying Song

What do you need to make a piece of music that "lands"?

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Why is "Arranging" Hard?

Too often, how we're taught to make music misses the MOST crucial aspect of what we're doing...

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You Don't Need Inspiration OR Discipline to Make Music

Despite the common assumption that both "inspiration" and "discipline" are GOOD... After 30 years of making music and helping others make music, I've come to a startling realisation: Requiring either/both is often a sign of an unhealthy, unsustainable creative process.

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Save Your Music (+ Cash) This Black Friday

THAT time of the year is fast approaching again...

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Why Discovery?

In the creative process (and the Music Machine system - which reflects the stages of the creative process) - in the second stage, "Discovery" - people often get lost. Here's why - and why Discovery is a crucial stage of any creative process. Not only musically but psychologically...

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The 1st Struggle of a Solo Artist

Imagine there's an obvious obstacle that EVERY ARTIST experiences daily - but NO ARTIST does anything to overcome. Wouldn't that be weird?

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Don't Let Your Inner Critic Become a Tyrant

Your inner critic is useful. Until you let it become a tyrant...

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Primal FEAR

What's REALLY holding you (and me) back in your music?

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This Stops You Finishing Music

Why can finishing music be so difficult?

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You COULD Solve ANY Problem In Your Music!

Yes, believe it or not, you COULD. And when you believe you could? That's when you start solving problems!

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Is My Music a Pipe Dream? (Who Am I Kidding?)

You don't have to believe in yourself when you believe in growth...

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Why My Songs Are Crap

Today, we will have a conversation about the downside of quantity - which is also an upside.This is the reason why (while it's frustrating at the time) I'm HAPPY to create an avalanche of crap songs...

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Why Have I Stopped Podwalking?

I've not recorded a PodWalk for four months! Let me explain the (very good) reasons why...

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The Connector

This season I'm podwalking about 3 Role Theory. This is a model I've developed to quickly diagnose where a client might have a problem in their creative process. Today I'll introduce you to "The Connector" who's got a bad rap that I don't believe is warranted...

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Learn By Doing

This season I'm podwalking about 3 Role Theory. This is a model I've developed to quickly diagnose where a client might have a problem in their creative process. Today I'll introduce you to "The Constructor"...

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Dare to Dream?

This season I'm podwalking about 3 Role Theory. This is a model I've developed to quickly diagnose where a client might have a problem in their creative process. Today I'll introduce you to "The Conjuror. Get your wands out...

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Where Does An Idea Come From?

This season I'm podwalking about 3 Role Theory which is a model I've developed which allows me to quickly diagnose where a client might have a problem in their creative process. But to understand what the different roles are within this model, we need to understand how we make ideas real and where they come from...

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The Plan

As I suspected, what was a "brief" hiatus became an extended one. Find out why and what you can expect from my various podcasts moving forward...

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Brief Hiatusode

I'm making a slight change of plan... (Don't worry normal PodWalk service will resume very shortly.) To listen to my "Final Countdown Problems and Insights" series over on The Album podcast... Here's a playlist of all the episodes where I share the avalanche of problems and resulting insights I'm getting slapped with over the final week: ⏱️Final Countdown Problems and Insights

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A Map Is Not Reality

3 Role Theory is a model which helps you understand yourself within the creative process. As a model it's useful because it's much simpler than reality...

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Three Role Theory (Season 5)

Because of album finishing things (😱) AND a secret project I'm working on (🤩), just a short little PodWalk today about the coming Season 5...

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I Don’t Know So Let’s Find Out

This is the final PodWalk of Season 4 where I've been talking about (supposedly) irrelevant subjects. So let's have a conversation about WHY I call siloing of information and expertise "one of the great evils of the world. Because "evil" is a strong word - but I do use it on purpose...

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I Had My "A.I. Moment" Yesterday 🤖😱

Yesterday I had an experience which changed my entire world. I've been using ChatGPT3 for a while for various (fairly menial) tasks, but decided to try out ChatGPT4 to see how much it had improved... IT BLEW MY MIND. That doesn't mean it's all good news of course. There's a lot that's problematic and downright scary about what AI could mean for creators and our culture. But with the massive improvement of GPT4 - I've already found a couple of creative ways to use it to make a much better business, much better music and a much better creator... And here's The Album podcast where I go much deeper into specifically how ChatGPT4 helped me uncover a big problem with my album: The Album podcast: My Jarvis for Music 🦾

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Let Me Tell You A Story...

Continuing our "Destroy the Silo" season let's talk about how stories permeate everything we do. And how the structure of many stories is a reflection of a fundamental pattern you can notice EVERYWHERE... Here's the specific "The Album" episode I mention: How could a single note MEAN something?

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