True vs Useful

This is the final episode of season 1 of the PodWalk! (I decided to make the number of episodes per season roughly the same as an album.) So this final episode will be slightly off the beaten track. As I often use various models, ideas and concepts to make progress which I KNOW aren't "true", because they allow me to get closer to the truth...

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Art vs War

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield is a famous (and largely wonderful) book which changed my life for the better... Until it started to create barriers and obstacles. And then I noticed the same in more and more of my clients and students who had read it. (Some of whom had read it on my recommendation!) I know what he means by "The Resistance". I too feel the daily struggle. I can see the creative process as a noble battle against the dark forces facing me. But what are the downsides to taking this metaphor too seriously? And what could an alternative be?

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Clock Time vs Calendar Time

"If I don't act upon this idea NOW - it will be gone forever." This idea is very common amongst creators. But I'm always very careful of any belief which fulfils itself: Believing it creates conditions which seem to verify it. Because you believe it, you don't challenge it. You don't challenge it, so you believe it. This is circular thinking. While this doesn't automatically mean it's false, it is worth challenging ANY belief like this. So let's take a look at this belief. Because it may well be ensuring you consign your very best ideas to the dustbin.

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Consuming Information vs Creating Knowledge

Ever fallen down an information rabbit hole of doom? I'm guessing (if you're a human who has an internet connection) that's a YES! Trouble is with consuming information is all too often IT CONSUMES US! (Or at least it consumes our progress, and ultimately our dreams...) So on our walk today I'm going to give you a way of understanding information and how it relates to knowledge. If you're anything like me, when you take it on board and embed this understanding in your life, it will inoculate you against this terrible info-addiction affliction.

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Teaching vs Coaching

You might think that coaching and teaching are the same. I wouldn't blame you, as until I trained as a coach I didn't know the difference. But they're SOOOOOOO DIFFERENT! Both have their place and fulfil different functions. But I can promise that while there is a LOAD of teaching everywhere all the time...there isn't enough coaching in the world...yet. 🤓

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Why I Became a Coach

This was supposed to be the next PodWalk subject - Teaching vs Coaching, but it ended up as a little autobiography on how coaching saved my life (when I look back on it - literally!) If you're struggling in any way, I hope my story will help you realise - there is ALWAYS a way forward...

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Art vs Business

The modern world requires that Artists of all kinds are also business people. So if you are to build a business around your Art, it's essential to understand how a "solo artist" business is different from almost any other kind of business...

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Either Or Vs The Others

The human mind simplifies to make sense of the Universe. Thank goodness it does, because the Universe is a bewildering and chaotic place! But often these simplifications seem "real" which is when we get STUCK. Because what is "real" is way more complex...

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Art vs Craft

"I've just got to work on my craft..." is a phrase I've heard a LOT. But for a certain kind of artist, I've always felt it misses the point. Or at least, is only a part of the point, and a part which is in service of another part. This other part is what I'd call "THE ACTUAL POINT"! So what's the difference between Art and Craft? What is "THE ACTUAL POINT"?

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I Have a Problem...

If what defines humans is we create something new out of something old, then the creative process is the method we use to do this. But so many people say they're not creative because they don't understand that creativity is how we solve problems. Without problems, our creativity is not required. Without problems, there is nothing new. Without problems, there's no path to walk. Problems are what fuel your creativity. Don't avoid them! Jump into them. To ask me anything or for comments and feedback:

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