No I haven't magically ulled my album out the bag - but something much more important ended...
▷ Listen nowI HAVE NOT hit the deadline. But out of this miss has come a breakthrough. So there's no space for beating myself up - because without the deadline I wouldn't have realised something vital about me, Mike Monday, Mike Monday music and my relationship to the music...
▷ Listen nowWe've got a few days out of sync since I've been sharing the pre/post session review I thought it was worth giving you a realtime update of where I'm at right now... The short version is it's (at last) GOOD NEWS! :)
▷ Listen nowEither you love them or you hate them. But (unlike Marmite) you don't know which!
▷ Listen nowThat familiar problem when you go to use a plugin and it needs updating...
▷ Listen nowSomething different today - follow along as I make a session plan before then review after a session on a song called "DO"'ll clarify how I use cycling to avoid wasting time repeating pointless actions I'll just have to repeat later...
▷ Listen nowIn the last 24 hours I've had revelations and made momentous decisions about this album...
▷ Listen nowMany musicians have an extremely strong reaction when they listen to something they've done on a track and it's not worked. This reaction can be so strong that it causes you to give up on the track (or in some cases on music entirely!) But this is a mistake...
▷ Listen nowProcrastinating on a song or on making music in general is common - and NORMAL. It doesn't mean you need to give up on the track OR your music in general. I've discovered it's cause...
▷ Listen nowSince I've done the daily videos I feel like I've not spoken to you. So here's a "traditional" album episode where I catch you up on my album's progress.
▷ Listen nowIf you're making solo music, maintaining some measure of objectivity needs to be your number 1 goal. Because without it you're flying blind. Here's three and a half ways to avoid the dreaded Music Production Rabbit Hole...
▷ Listen nowI know this title sounds like BS - sorry I couldn't resist it. Because it's what happens when you deploy this ridiculously simple 2 step protocol for ANY difficult problem you're stuck on.
▷ Listen nowIt's 100% normal to procrastinate on a song - PARTICULARLY when it's good! But there's no need to worry when you understand the very simple reason why and the even simpler method to overcome resistance to working on any track...
▷ Listen nowAn overwhelming number of options is common when you're finishing music,, ESPECIALLY when you're excited about the song. Here's the counter-intuitive solution...
▷ Listen nowWhat's the inevitable result of believing EVERY idea you have MUST be brilliant?
▷ Listen nowNot all musical problems are created equal...or must be solved RIGHT NOW. But how do you decide which to focus on first?
▷ Listen nowIt's inevitable other people come into your head when you're finishing's what I've done to avoid the obstacles this creates.
▷ Listen nowIt's inevitable other people come into your head when you're finishing's what I've done to avoid the obstacles this creates.
▷ Listen nowThe BLAH worm is persistent and can lead you down many IRRELEVANT musical paths...
▷ Listen nowHow to avoid a very common problem when finishing music - particularly when you're on deadline...
▷ Listen nowAs I'm doing daily videos in the countdown to my deadline, why on earth wouldn't I create audio podcasts for you too?
▷ Listen now