AHA! The Purpose.

I had a breakthrough this afternoon which has made a whole lot a whole lot more clear...

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Mental Error Correction

I've learnt some important lessons from listening back to my previous lessons this time last album...

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Ho hum. I'm doing it, but not really "doing it" if you know what I mean. Time to bring out the "big guns" and press go on a challenge idea I've been developing for a couple of years...

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What's Behind Autotune?

What's the hidden reason behind my use of Autotune on my last album, and what am I going to do about it on this one?

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Lyrics are not hard.

Lyrics ARE hard when you think too much. They can be easy when you don't.

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47 new songs in 1 day?

Can I do 47 Splurges in one day? And even if I can...WHY?

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Finding my authentic me

The more I splurge, the more I let go. The more I let go the more me I become.

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From Convergent to Divergent

It's proving to be a little sticky shifting from finishing album 5 to starting album 6...

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Here It Is 🎧

In case you were wondering if I was making it all up...

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How to destroy doubt

Waiting feeds doubt. Deciding destroys it.

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Your style emerges [Final Countdown: 3️⃣]

I just went for a drive to listen to this thing in the car. As expected the insights came thick and fast...

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Slow vs Turbo [Final Countdown: 4️⃣]

On Sunday and Monday I accidentally ran an A/B test on 2 approaches to finishing. Here are the enlightening results...

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The power of simplicity [Final Countdown: 5️⃣]

Quicker, easier, better AND more authentically unique?

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Turbo Skill Acquisition [Final Countdown: 6️⃣]

This is the FASTEST way to acquire and build any musical skill..

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The team comes through [Final Countdown: 7️⃣]

Today was one of those days I thank my lucky stars I'm not making this album alone...

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The surprising art of letting go

What's happening in this final week of The Album season 1? IT'S THE FINAL PUSH! Over the next 7 days I'm doing something different with this podcast...

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How quickness leads to quality

Sometimes (in fact, quite often) the simplest and quickest solution is also the best one...

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✋ Beware certainty 🛑

UH OH... That all too familiar trap at the end of the creative process ensnared me ONCE AGAIN! (Will I never learn?)

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A divergent approach to finishing

As the finish line fast approaches, the insights keep coming...

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"I didn’t notice you were making an album!"

It's amazing how different the experience of making this album is from ALL the others I've made...

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Special! Album Insights Tribelive

Here's something different for you today...

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My Jarvis for music 🦾

I had a revelation on Sunday when trying ChatGpt4 for the first time. I'd used ChatGPT3 for a while, but this was a whole other level. If you're worried about AI and what it will do to music (which I certainly am!) then here's an application which points to a huge opportunity. It's certaintly helping me solve a big problem with my album... Here's the PodWalk episode I reference: I Had My "AI Moment" Yesterday 🤖😱 Listen to that next to get more background and context on the use of large language models (what ChatGPT is) in various ways.

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Done Distance

I've got 17 songs into DONE! (So now the real work begins.) 🤓 Thing is, I didn't get that many into Done by working my finger to the bone day and night. I did it because "Done" in the Music Machine represents a particular "state" of a piece which helps you finish better music in many different ways...

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